GDS Host Charity Raffle and send a Team to Tackle Tough Mudder

GDS’ annual fund raising event for 2014 included a raffle of donated gifts and a team of employees taking on the Tough Mudder Obstacle Race.

The raffle included wine, food, games and concluded with the auction of a car wash from the Managing and Sales Director. The event was a success and raised several hundred pounds for charity. 

The Tough Mudder Obstacle Race entailed a team of GDS employees (along with a few friends) tackling a 20 obstacle 12 mile cross country circuit. Obstacles included Hang Tough, Cage Crawls, Electric Eels and the Arctic Enema to name a few. All obstacles are designed to test your physical and mental abilities whilst encouraging team work. 

I am happy to report that of the team of 9 that set off for this challenge, all returned safely. I am even happier to say that the money raised from both events when to this year’s chosen charity, “Help the Heroes”. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and kind donations.