TEAM GDS – Complete London to Brighton Cycle Ride

Team GDS began their ride to Brighton just after 08.30am on a sunny Sunday morning in London. They were not alone in their challenge as they were joined by over 28,500 other participants all striving to achieve their own goals. Whether it is to complete the course in a record time, the satisfaction of completing 54 miles, or to raise money for their chosen charity.

Team GDS, along with the masses, started slowly, battling through the London traffic and heavy congestion for the first 15 miles. The roads were a sea of bikes & traffic for as far as the eye could see (see photo).  As the race went on, the field began to open up and the ride was in full flow.

Team GDS met at the Ardlingly Show Ground for a pit stop and to re-group just in time for the rain and wind to pick-up. However, they didn’t let the weather dampen their enthusiasm, as they set off for the last 25 miles at a rapid pace. The biggest hill on the route, “Ditchling Beacon”, just happened to be at the end of the course and the name alone installed fear in most riders. With the clunk of gears and a few extra beads of sweat Team GDS conquered the 1 mile climb (that elevates from 90 to 248 metres), where the sea was in sight and therefore the finish on Brighton sea front. As they cycled across the finish line the sun was shining, the crowds were cheering and all members of Team GDS had all completed their challenge.

GDS would like to say a huge thank you to Jo Hatherley for organising the staff before and on the day of the race and also to Pam Bailey who was instrumental with the fund raising which just toppled £1,300.00.

Team GDS: Picture from left to right: Nigel Durley, James Hopkins, Camilo Perico, Nick Warren, Pete Hatherley, David Whittaker, Jo Hatherley, Chris Warren, Sean Rees, Aaron Le Compte, Michael Bulley.