Traditional triaxial systems set-ups are often manually controlled and have either manually or automated results logging. Control is limited to constant rate of strain and is initiated by the user setting the speed and direction. No safety stops are in operation and as such there is a reliance on the operator to stop the system either at the end of a test stage or for safety reasons. Data is either collected manually by an operator or transferred to a PC from a data logger.
Replacing components of an existing system will allow the user to automate parts or the complete system. Benefits of a fully automated system include…
- Tests can be started and stopped automatically, either on a particular user defined value (max strain or max deviator stress for example), or for safety reasons (load limits violated),
- Data can be obtained at user defined intervals,
- Test stages can be pre-programmed such that multistage tests can continue 24 hours a day.
Example of a typical upgrade to Automated Logging and Control (From existing manual control and automated data logging system)
Assuming the existing load frame and the data logger are compatible with GDSLAB Software (which most load frames and many loggers are,
click here to check), then you can enjoy the benefits of automated control and logging by addition of just a couple of components.
- 2 x GDS pressure/volume controllers for application of cell and back pressure and measurement of back volume,
- GDSLAB control and data acquisition software and a PC.
Additional tests that can be performed
Tests can be performed beyond basic UU, CU and CD tests. Complex stress paths, anisotropic loading and even slow cyclic tests can now be performed.
Example of a typical upgrade to Automated Logging and Control (From existing manual control and manual logging system)
Assuming the existing load frame and the data logger are compatible with GDSLAB Software (which most load frames and many loggers are<LINK Check List>), then you can enjoy the benefits of automated control and logging by adding the following components.
- 2 x GDS pressure/volume controllers for application of cell and back pressure and measurement of back volume,
- GDS 16 bit data logger,
- GDSLAB control and data acquisition software and a PC,
- Transducer set consisting of a load cell (either external Sbeam or internal submersible type), displacement transducer and pore pressure transducer.
Additional tests that can be performed
Tests can be performed beyond basic UU, CU and CD tests. Complex stress paths, anisotropic loading and even slow cyclic tests can now be performed.