GDS Exhibit at Geo-Congress 2013, San Diego

March saw hundreds of delegates head to San Diego for the annual Geo-Congress conference and exhibition on “Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments III”. The conference programme included intensive short courses to a comprehensive range of technical sessions including case history evaluation, numerical modeling, field testing, monitoring, rehabilitation amongst others.

GDS exhibited alongside the conference and boasted a working Automatic Oedometer System (GDSAOS) with their Bender Element System (GDSBES) on their stand. During the conference GDS were running a competition to win an IPAD mini. Entrants had to put their business cards in the cell and wait for the draw. The eventual winner was Bhaskar Chittoori, a Faculty Associate-Res./Lecturer at the University of Texas, Arlington. Bhaskar can be seen with his prize in the picture above. GDS would like to thank everybody who visited the stand, we appreciate it was busy at times, so if you didn’t get a chance to speak with a representative or would like some additional information, you can contact GDS via email or by phone on +44 (0)1256 382450.