GDS Visit Buckingham Palace to Receive Their Award From The Queen

Thursday 14th July 2011, Patrick Hooker, Chairman & Chief Executive of GDS and Jenny Hooker, HR Director, were invited to Buckingham Palace to receive the companies award for Enterprise in International Trade from her royal highness the Queen.

After a grand entrance through the main gates on the Mall, Patrick and Jenny were shown to the reception room where they met the other award winners. The Queen's Award recognises achievement in three categories, International Trade, Innovation and Sustainable Development.


After some refreshments and a chance to absorb the atmosphere, the proceedings commenced. The Queen and Prince Phillip made their way down a line, congratulating each of the winners in turn and having there photo taken. The guests spent the afternoon in a champagne reception, where they were able to exchange stories with other winners and mingle with the Queen and Prince Philip.


The visit to the Palace followed the formal presentation of the chalice and scroll made by Dame Mary Fagan at GDS office in June. You can watch a video of the ceremony in Hook by here.