Geofrontiers Exhibition and Conference 2011

Jerry Sutton, Technical Sales Director of GDS Instruments, recently returned from Dallas, Texas, where GDS exhibited at Geo-Frontiers 2011. Geo-Frontiers is an event which focuses on “Advances in Geotechnical Engineering”. The event attracted a record-setting 1900+ participants, which was evident on the amount of activity we received at our stand. On the stand, Jerry was showcasing our V2 Standard Pressure Controller, alongside a set of our bender elements transducers, both of which, generated a lot of interest.

Alongside the exhibition the event featured six full-day short courses, four plenary session lectures, more than 450 papers presented in 89 technical sessions (many with standing-room only), student activities, competitions and ample time for networking.
GDS would like to thank everybody who visited the stand, we appreciate it was busy at times, so if you didn’t get a chance to speak with Jerry or would like some additional information, you can contact Jerry via email or on +44 (0)1256 382450.