News August 2010 GDS Products Feature in Discovery HD Channel

Discovery HD series “Mystery Investigator” sent Olly Steeds to Greece, to investigate the destruction of Atlantis. According to the philosopher Plato, Atlantis was an advanced civilization that sank beneath the waves. It was said to be out beyond the western headland where an immortal giant holds up the heavens by means of a pillar on his back. Plato maintained that Atlantis was a real place, not a myth. He in turn had heard of it from certain wise men of Egypt.

During his investigations Olly was diving in the Mediterranean when he came across what looked liked a roof tile and an unusual stair case structure. Was this the location of the Atlantis? Due to restrictions enforced by the Greek officials, Olly was forced to abandon his dive and return to the boat. However, he had managed to secure some vital footage of his dive which, he took be analysed by a leading Geologist.

The Geologists lab was packed with GDS testing equipment, including several pressure / volume controllers, a variety of Triaxial Cells and one of our Electromechanical Dynamic Triaxial Testing System (DYNTTS).  The Geologist analysed Olly's film and came out with some interesting explanations. To watch Olly’s chat with the Geologist and to see GDS products in-situ click here.