Results For The iPod nano Competition

We had a great response to our competition, thank you for all your entries. It was a picture sent in from Igor Petrovic at the Faculty of Geotehcnical Engineering, University of Zabgreb that we choose as our winner, picture shown below...


The University of Zagreb purchased a full consolidation system, with GDSLAB and the hydrocon module over a period of  8 years. The aim of this research was to prove that the soil materials from the so called flysch deposits (which are locally available on the Istrian peninsula at low cost), can be used as the components of the liner layers in municipal landfills. To read the full case study on the Universities project, click here.
If you have purchased some GDS equipment and have a project that you think would make a good case study, we would like to hear from you. Please email James Hopkins at with your contact details and information about your project and we will be in touch.