Sample Preparation Techniques and Tension/Compression Dynamic Triaxial Testing Training Seminar In Colombia

On Thursday 26th of September in Bogota, Colombia, with the support of the Piloto University, GDS Instruments and one of its local agents Geotechnology S.A.S, held a training seminar with our Colombian customers. We were glad to receive the visit of academics from the National University of Colombia, La Salle University, Javeriana University, Distrital University, Gran Colombia University and the Santander Industrial University

 Although short in time, the focus of the event was to learn about sample preparation techniques and tension/compression dynamic triaxial testing. An Enterprise Level Dynamic Triaxial system (ELDYN) was used for the presentation. The flexibility of our software GDSLAB made it suitable, as it is the same software used for our most popular product in Colombia, the Dynamic Triaxial Testing system (DYNTTS)

GDS Instruments and Geotechnology SAS would want to thank professor Ingeniera Eliana Martinez and the Piloto University for welcoming us in their premises and hope to  have the opportunity of seeing you again in future events.