GDS' South Downs Way Odyssey

13 employees from GDS Instruments (Karl Snelling, Jerry Sutton, James Hopkins, Goncalo Loios, Takis Halkidis, Chris Jones, Nick Warren, Michael Bulley, Jeff Gray, Chris Lyons, Phillip Tetlow, and Simon Harrison) will be taking on the South Downs Way (SDW) in June 2018.


The challenging 100 mile mountain bike route starts in Winchester and ends at the white cliffs of Eastbourne. The team are planning to tackle the SDW over two days which, boasts over 11,500 feet of ascending hillsides. The SDW challenge is not only designed to test physical and mental toughness whilst promoting a fit and healthy workforce but also provide an opportunity to raise money for charity. This year GDS will be raising money for Cancer Research UK a leading charity dedicated to beating cancer through research. If you can spare a donation to this worthy cause it would be greatly appreciated. 

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