Alexis Antoniou a Geotechnical Systems Engineer from GDS Instruments has recently returned from Sweden, where he installed three Bishop and Wesley automated triaxial testing systems. MITTA AB are developing their temperature-controlled laboratory in Gottsärk to expand their abilities to test soft clays.
Bishop & Wesley systems like these are used to accurately control axial load/stress/displacement/strain using a hydraulically actuated ram in the base of each cell. These systems were specified with low range 1kN loadcells rather than the standard 8kN or higher ranges, allowing increased resolution and better fidelity of control for the intended stress levels in their tests – elements of key importance when testing very soft and sensitive clay samples. A bender element upgrade was also provided, allowing measurement of the maximum shear modulus of soil at small strains, further aiding in their goal of soft clay testing.

A Note From MITTA AB
MITTA was founded in Finland as early as 1989 and is now one of the largest and leading companies in geodetic measurement technology, geotechnology, geolaboratory and dust safety. We currently have about 370 employees, of which about 70 are located at our various offices in Östersund in the north, to Helsingborg in the south.
MITTA has expanded significantly in recent years and we have many merit assignments behind us. We are a flexible, customer-oriented and entrepreneurial company headquartered in Motala. Among our clients are major players in infrastructure, construction and power companies, but we also have many small clients seeking professional support.
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