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GDS Paper Accepted for Presentation at XVI ECSMGE 2015

GDS' paper "Adaptive Control Implementation for the Dynamic Cyclic Testing of Soil Specimens" has been accepted for presentation at Septembers XVI ECSMGE conference in Edinburgh.

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GDS Staff and Family Take Part in Charity Midnight MoonWalk

GDS staff and family took part in this weekend’s London MoonWalk to raise money in aid of breast cancer. GDS’ team “The Fallen Madonna’s” consisted of Denise, Nicky, Michael, Linsay, Pam & Phil.

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Indonesian Agents Visit GDS

PT.Panairsan Pratama one of our agents from Indonesia visited the offices last week for product training and to meet the team.

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Comparison of Toyoura sand cyclic strength tests from a GDS dynamic cyclic direct simple shear apparatus with hollow cylinder test data

In addition to trialling the prototype vacuum mould (see GDS News March 2015), a series of tests provided GDS technical staff with an opportunity to compare the cyclic strength of Toyoura sand obtained from an NGI-style direct simple shear (DSS) apparatus (the GDS EMDCSS system) with that from hollow cylinder (HC) apparatus testing.

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Customer Open Day - September

GDS are planning a customer open day on Thursday 10th of September. Visitors are invited to meet the team and get hands-on with our products.

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International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo 2015

GDS Instruments exhibited at the recent International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo in San Antonio, Texas. The IFCEE, is the premier event for professionals in the foundation industry.

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Vacuum mould for dynamic cyclic direct simple shear apparatus

Ongoing system development and testing is an important aspect of the work carried out by GDS Instruments.

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6th International Geotechnical Symposium on Disaster Mitigation in Special Geoenvironmental Conditions

GDS Instruments exhibited at the recent 6th International Geotechnical Symposium on Disaster Mitigation in Special Geoenvironmental Conditions  alongside their Indian agent Aimil Ltd.

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Case Studies: Monash Univeristy

A long standing customer of GDS', Monash University, have recently published 3 case studies all of which have include GDS' equipment.

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VIDEO: Environmental Triaxial Automated System (ETAS)

The Environmental Triaxial Automated System (ETAS) is a temperature controlled load frame-based triaxial testing system. Key features include, Frozen Soil Testing, Gas Hydrate Testing, High Pressure Testing and High & Low Temperature Testing.

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