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Case Study: Temperature Controlled Stress Path Testing

The stress path test is commonly used to simulate the changing mechanical properties of soils, whilst under varying stresses. Research in this area, within China and abroad has gradually increased. The static triaxial apparatus based on the Bishop Wesley principle is widely accepted. However, in reality, the stress change of soil is usually accompanied by changes in the environment.


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Take Advantage of the Weak Pound

Take advantage of the weak pound! Since June, the pound has dropped over 10% in value against the Dollar & EURO. Resulting in favorable pricing for our international customers.

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Download a Copy of our Latest Rock Brochure

Download the latest copy of our rock brochure. Read about our advanced Acoustic Emission and Acoustic Velocity transducers, our Instrumented Hoek Cell and our new range of hydraulically actuated load frames.

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Case Study: Dynamic Back Pressured Shear Box

The Tuaheni Landslide Complex (TLC) is  located on the upper slope of the Hikurangi Margin, off the East Coast of the North Island,  New Zealand. They have developed novel laboratory-based testing  using gravity core samples from within the TLC and a Dynamic Back-Pressured Shearbox  (DBPSB) from GDS Instruments to replicate offshore slope conditions.


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Our March 2016 newsletter is now available to view.

Our March 2016 newsletter is now available to view.

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Case Study: Unsaturated Triaxial Automated Testing

The quantity of land affected in the extraction of lignite in opencast mines is vast. Former mining activities leave behind numerous mine voids, which will mostly remain as artificial lakes. Overburden dumps are stretched over large areas. These areas present themselves as often uninhabitable and difficult areas for construction without further site investigation and understanding mostly remain as artificial lakes from rising groundwater and flooding.


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Customer Visit

Customers from EDF Energy, alongside our French agent Sols Mesures visited GDS' offices for training this week. The training was on two new systems purchased by EDF. The Large Automated Direct Shear System and the Advanced Dynamic Triaxial Testing System. 

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February 2016 Newsletter

Our February newsletter is now available to view.

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Shear Testing Comparison Table

To help you choose the right shear system for your testing requirements, we have put together a comparison table, to act as a guide on our most popular shear systems.


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Ring Shear Tester Launched

The GDSRST is a modern, compact, desktop, ring shear system, that allows fully automated testing.


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