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GDS 2020 Rock Catalogue

GDS' new 2020 rock catalogue is now available to download from our website.

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GDS 2020 Product Catalogue

GDS' new 2020 catalogue is now available to download from our website. 

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GDS Charity Donation: Sebastian's Action Trust

Each year at GDS we choose a charity to raise money for. In 2019 the Sebastian's Action Trust was our chosen charity. Sebastian's Action Trust work alongside families of life limited and seriously-ill children from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond.

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Holiday Opening Times

GDS will be closed for Christmas from 5pm on Friday 20th December 2019 until 9am Thursday 2nd January 2020. From all the staff at GDS, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

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The World’s Most Advanced Portable Laboratory

SA Geolab International (SAGeo), are proud to launch the worlds most advanced portable laboratory. Situated in a 20ft DNV shipping container the laboratory can to be located anywhere in the world. 


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GDS' New Triaxial Cell Passes All Tests With Flying Colours.

As part of GDS' 40th birthday celebrations yesterday, we commissioned a triaxial cell cake for the festivities. I am happy to report, it passed the taste test with flying colours.

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GDS' 40th Birthday Celebrations

Tuesday 5th November 2019, marked GDS official 40th Birthday. Celebrations kicked off with a buffet lunch, followed by a charity raffle (£200 raised for Sebastian Action Trust) and concluded with fantastic triaxial cell birthday cake.

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Sample Preparation Techniques and Tension/Compression Dynamic Triaxial Testing Training Seminar In Colombia

On Thursday 26th of September in Bogota, Colombia, with the support of the Piloto University, GDS Instruments and one of its local agents Geotechnology S.A.S, held a training seminar with our Colombian customers. We were glad to receive the visit of academics from the National University of Colombia, La Salle University, Javeriana University, Distrital University, Gran Colombia University and the Santander Industrial University


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MITTA AB Invest in New Stress Path Apparatus for Testing Soft Clay

Alexis Antoniou a Geotechnical Systems Engineer from GDS Instruments has recently returned from Sweden, where he installed three Bishop and Wesley automated triaxial testing systems. MITTA AB are developing their temperature-controlled laboratory in Gottsärk to expand their abilities to test soft clays.


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SA Geolab International announces a new COLD LABORATORY (CL) with temperature maintained AT 4°C FOR DEEP WATER SOIL TESTING

SA Geolab International PL (SAGeo) based in Singapore, have recently announced the provision of a soil laboratory that can operate from 4°C to normal room temperature. This temperature range gives SAGeo the capability to carry out soil testing at in-situ temperature for deep water soil investigation. 


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