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NEW BOOK “Advanced Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Engineering”

GDS Founder and Chairman, prize-winning geotechnical author Dr Bruce Menzies, has had his new book, “Advanced Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Engineering”, published by Taylor & Francis. The book was written with first author Professor Charles W.W. Ng of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

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iPod prize won by A.F. van Weele in the Netherlands.

The September edition of the GDS Newsletter had a Sudoku competition to win a GDS shirt. At the Madrid conference the choice of prize was extended to be the choice between a GDS shirt or an iPod. The Sudoku was succesfully completed by Mr A.F. van Weele from The Netherlands and he was lucky enough to be the first name drawn from the pot by Jerry Sutton (see picture left). The correct answer was 2 7 2.

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14th ECSMGE, Madrid, September 24-27 2007

The 14th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering was attended by GDS in September 2007. Through out the week the GDS stand welcomed old friends and new faces alike. GDS was represented by Jerry Sutton throughout the conference with flying visits paid by Karl Snelling and Dr Patrick Hooker.

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New GDS/Earth Products China Service Centre in Wuhan, China

Jerry Sutton, of GDS Instruments in the UK, was privileged to have attended the opening of the first GDS service centre in mainland China. The centre is in Wuhan. Jerry gave a presentation to the service centre staff covering all aspects of GDS equipment and maintenance procedures.

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